Year to January : points winner Grant and Greg  24     Joust: Dec 2022  Winner: Bridge2022 Runner Up: Norcal plus June 2024  Consolation Winner: Dallas31 Runner Up: samgir   The Gauntlet: Jun 2024  Winner: mike Passell   95   Runner Up: Serendipity   84   Third: GenericTeam   76   Fourth: Buffalo Beavers   76     Reynolds Quest: Mar 2021  Winner: Dragons Runner Up: slackers   William Tell Swiss: Winner: Dragons Runner Up: Infernal Cogs   Knarly Knights: Sep 2024  Winner: Bad Reptilians Runner Up: mike Passell

Existing Players

Team Name: 

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New players

In order to play in our events you need a
Team Name. Click the button below to...


Bridge Zone runs 2 types of events: teams events and pairs events.

To play in events you need to create a login for your team or pair.

1. Click on the 'New Players' link on the home page.

2. Fill in the fields and submit.

3. An activation link will be sent to your email address (allow a few minutes).

4. Click on the activation link in the email and it will ask you to set a password.

5. Login with the password and you will be redirected to My Page. This is the page you will use for all your signups for future events, scheduling with opponents and reporting matches.

Sign up for an event. The type of event will restrict your login to that type of event. A pairs login cannot be used to sign up for teams events.

6. Initially you will have a selection of all events to sign up for. The registration form will give you the option to place yourself on an 'automatic signups' list so that you do not need to register for future seasons.

In following seasons your player list from the current season will be propagated through and you can edit this independently. In other words you do not need to enter your player list each season.

Set up your profile

7. It's important that players have some idea of when you can play as a starting point in negotiations. On the top menu click on Profiles/Edit my Team Profile. Here you can change your team or pair name (that will propagate through all our databases), and set up your normal playing times in the grid. Please try and be flexible and allow extended times on the weekend to cater for teams who may be in timezones very different to your own. If you would like us to do this for you then email the and give your login name and the times you can normally play in your time zone.

Playing your match

8. You will be notified when play begins and who your opponent is.

9. The Pending Matches table on MyPage lists all the matches you have to play.

10. Scheduling should be done through the scheduling form - this will display your opponents availability in your time zone and you can suggest the day(s) over which you would like to play the match. Team matches are usually played in 2 or more sessions. The times you've suggested will show in your Pending Matches Table.

11. When the match has been played, report your win through the Pending Matches table. Your win will be automatically posted and your next opponent will appear in the table. You and your opponent will receive emails as will your next opponent.

Finally, we are here to help! Some of this may seem confusing when you first start but once you've been through the process hopefully it will be a lot easier next time. Mail herewith any queries.

All BridgeZone events are operated by LLC. Website contents © LLC 2020-2021.